1984.10 毕业于天津大学建筑系 获硕士学位
1984—1985 建设部建筑设计院 建筑师
1985—1987 深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司 建筑师
1987—1989 香港华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司 建筑师
1989—1996 建设部建筑设计院 高级建筑师 副总建筑师
1997—2000 建设部建筑设计院 副院长 总建筑师
2000—今 中国建筑设计研究院 副院长 总建筑师 国家工程设计大师
1997 “全国优秀科技工作者”
1998 “国务院特殊津贴专家”
1999 “国家人事部有突出贡献的中青年专家”
1999 “国家百、千、万人工程”人选
2000 “国家设计大师”
2003 “法国文学与艺术骑士勋章”
2007 “梁思成建筑奖”
2007 “亚建协金奖”
1982 建筑师之家 主创
1987-1991 阿房宫凯悦酒店 主创 陕西西安
1989-1992 蛇口明华船员基地 主创 广东深圳
1991-1994 丰泽园饭店 主持 北京宣武
1995-1997 北京外语教学与研究出版社办公楼 主持 北京海淀
1995-1997 威海中信金融大厦 主持 山东威海
1996-2000 现代城高层公寓 主持 北京朝阳
1998-1999 外研社二期工程(印刷厂改造) 主持 北京海淀
1999-2001 天一家园住宅社区 主持 浙江宁波
2000-2001 北京外国语大学逸夫教学楼 主持 北京海淀
2000-2002 水关长城三号别墅 主持 北京延庆
2000-2002 清华科技创新中心 主持 北京海淀
北京市第十一届优秀工程设计(建筑设计) 一等奖
2000-2003 富凯大厦 主持 北京西城
北京市第十一届优秀工程设计(建筑设计) 一等奖
2000-2003 康堡花园 主持 北京朝阳
2001-2002 中国城市规划设计研究院办公楼 主持 北京海淀
北京市第十一届优秀工程设计(建筑设计) 一等奖
2001-2004 外研社大兴国际会议中心 主持 北京大兴
2001-2004 福建龙岩学院主教学楼 主持 福建龙岩
2001-2005 首都博物馆 主持 北京西城
2002-2003 成都东方明珠花园 指导 成都
北京市第十一届优秀工程设计(住宅设计) 二等奖
2002-2003 北京雅昌彩印天竺厂房综合楼 主持 北京顺义
2002-2004 广东东莞松山湖商务办公小区 主持 广东东莞
2005年度全国优秀规划设计 一等奖(部级)
2002-2004 西安紫薇山庄度假村及别墅区 主持 陕西西安
2002-2004 北京蓝堡国际公寓 主创 北京朝阳
2002-2004 民航总局办公楼改造 主持 北京东城
2002-2004 浙江大学生命科学学院(方案、初步设计) 主持 浙江杭州
2002-2004 大连软件园八号和九号办公楼 主持 辽宁大连
2002-2004 华融大厦 主创 广东深圳
2002-2004 唐山会展中心 主创 河北唐山
2002-2004 福建广电中心 主持 福建
2002-2004 殷墟博物馆 主创 河南安阳
亚洲建协建筑奖(ARCASIA Award)2007年 金奖
第四届中国建筑学会建筑创作 优秀奖
2002-2005 安徽出版大厦 主持 安徽合肥
2002-2005 北京德胜尚城办公小区(德胜科技大厦) 主持 北京西城
第十届首都规划建筑设计方案汇报展方案奖(公共建筑) 优秀奖
北京市第十三届优秀工程设计建筑设计获奖 二等奖
2008年度全国优秀工程勘察设计奖(国家奖) 铜奖
2003-2004 湖南株洲体育中心 主持 湖南株洲
北京市第十四届优秀工程设计奖 三等奖
2003-2004 北京国典综合楼 主创 京
2003-2005 大连软件园十号和十一号办公楼 主持 辽宁大连
北京市第十三届优秀工程设计建筑设计获奖 二等奖
2003-2005 大连软件园软件工程师公寓 主持 辽宁大连
第四届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛 铜奖
2003-2005 敦煌市博物馆 主持 甘肃敦煌
2003-2005 北京市数字信息出版社 主持 北京东城
2003-2007 秦安大地湾遗址博物馆 主持 甘肃天水
2004-2005 南京国际建筑艺术实践展 主持 江苏南京
第三届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛 优秀奖
2004-2005 辽宁五女山遗址博物馆 主持 辽宁桓仁
北京市第十四届优秀工程设计奖 二等奖
2004-2005 海银博物馆 主持 北京密云
2004-2005 山东理工大学图书馆 主持 山东淄博
2004-2006 拉萨火车站 主持 西藏拉萨
北京市第十三届优秀工程设计建筑设计获奖 一等奖
第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖 优秀奖
2008年度全国优秀工程勘察设计奖(国家奖) 金奖
2004-2006 中国驻南非大使馆 主持 南非比勒陀尼亚
2004-2006 中国驻南非开普顿领事馆 主持 南非开普顿
2004-2006 山东德州行政中心 主持 山东德州
2004-2006 中国驻南非开普顿领事馆 主持 浙江宁波
2004-2006 山东广电中心 主持 山东济南
2005-2006 韩美林艺术馆 主持 北京通州
北京市第十四届优秀工程设计奖 一等奖
2005-2008 中纪委谷泉会议中心 主持 北京平谷
2005-2006 西昌文化艺术中心及火把广场 主持 西昌凉山
全国人居经典建筑规划设计方案竞赛 金奖
第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖 佳作奖
北京市第十四届优秀工程设计奖 一等奖
2005-2008 浙江大学紫金港校区农生组团 主持 浙江
2005-2006 天津塘沽图书馆 主持 天津
2005-2006 天津海河新天地项目C-1区 主持 天津
2005-2006 天津大沽口炮台博物馆 主创 天津
2005-2007 北京外国语大学体育馆 主持 北京
北京市第十四届优秀工程设计奖 三等奖
2005-2007 北京人民大学图书馆 主持 北京
2005-2007 无锡鸿山墓遗址博物馆
2005-2008 南京艺术学院 主创 江苏南京
2005-2008 天津博学院 主创 天津
2006-2007 邯郸赵王城遗址博物馆
2006-2007 河北后城援助小学校
2006-2007 日照山海星白宫会所
2006-2007 钓鱼台前门宾馆院落整治修缮工程 主持 北京
第四届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛 优秀奖
2007-2007 西山创意产业基地B区 主持 北京
第四届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛 优秀奖
2007-2008 西山项目A/E/F区 主持 北京
2007-2007 山东济南章丘朱家峪古村接待中心
2007-2007 北京丰盛危改东区 主创 北京
2007-2008 重庆B18- 1 主创 重庆
2007-2008 奈伦国贸 主持 天津
2007-2008 奥运信息柱 主持 北京
2007-2008 奥运多功能演播塔 主持 北京
北京市第十四届优秀工程设计奖 二等奖
2008年度全国优秀工程勘察设计奖(国家奖) 铜奖
2007-2008 奥运下沉庭院3号院 主持 北京
第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖 优秀奖
2007-2008 苏州火车站
第四届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛 银奖
2007-2008 妇联综合楼翻扩建 主持 北京
2007-2008 蓬莱古船博物馆 主持 山东省蓬莱
2007-2008 三眼井文化历史保护修缮 主创 北京
第四届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛 优秀奖
2007-2008 天津塘沽区响螺湾月亮岛 主持 天津
2008-2009 上海项目朱家角水上宾馆 主持 上海
2008-2009 鄂尔多斯东胜区体育公园 主创 内蒙古
2008-2009 鄂尔多斯文化中心 主创 内蒙古
2008-2009 敦煌莫高窟旅游中心 主持 敦煌
2008-2009 昆山文化中心 主持
2008-2009 济南全民健身中心 主持 济南
2008-2009 北工大软件园Ⅱ项目 主持 北京
2008-2009 内蒙古广播影视数字传媒中心(一期)主持 内蒙古
2008-2009 重庆万州三峡移民纪念馆 主持 重庆万州
2008-2009 吉安行政中心 主持 吉安
2008-2009 泰山桃花峪游人服务中心项目 主持 山东济南
2008-2009 平谷特色文化展示中心 主持 北京
2008-2009 德阳市奥林匹克后备人才学校 主持 四川德阳
2008-2009 泰山桃花峪游人服务中心项目 主持 山东泰安
2009-2010 天津于家堡金融区03-15项目 主持 天津
2009-2010 天津渤龙新城项目 主持 天津
2008-2010 中纪委谷泉会议中心五区健身馆 主持 北京
2009-2010 大同博物馆 主持 山西大同
2009-2010 北川羌族自治县文化中心 主持 四川北川
2009-2010 徐州建筑职业技术学院图书馆 主持 江苏省徐州
2009-2010 北京市第35中学 主持 北京
2009-2010 保定市博物馆/大剧院 主持 河北省保定
2009-2010 北京邮电大学新校区 主持 北京
2009-2010 西安环城西苑 主持 陕西西安
2005 唐山市商业中心区城市空间整治研究
2005-2006 北京外国语大学校园可持续发展规划研究
2006-2007 德胜尚城
1996.09 法国 巴黎
1996.10 日本 大阪
2001.04 马来西亚 吉隆坡
2004.06 韩国 釜山
2005.02 韩国 首尔
2005.10 新加坡
2006.01 斯里兰卡 科伦坡
2006.03 越南 胡志明市
2006.03 中国 香港
2006.11 荷兰 代夫特
2007.01 巴基斯坦 卡拉奇
2007.11 维也纳 奥地利
2008.05 曼谷 泰国
2008.07 都灵 意大利
2004.12 中国 台北
2008.01 英国 伦敦
2008.03 美国 纽约
2008.09 法国 巴黎
Curriculum Vitae
Name: CUI Kai
Oct. 1984, Master Degree of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Tianjin University
Employment Record:
1984-1985 Architecture Design Institute, Ministry of Construction, Beijing, Architect
1985-1987 Huasen Architectural & Engineering Design Consultants Ltd., Shenzhen, Architect
1987-1989 Huasen Architectural & Engineering Design Consultants Ltd., Hong Kong, Architect
1989-1996 Architecture Design Institute, Ministry of Construction, Beijing Senior Architect, Vice Chief Architect
1997-2000 Architecture Design Institute, Ministry of Construction, Beijing Vice President, Chief Architect
2000-date China Architecture Design & Research Group, Beijing Vice President, Chief Architect, National Design Master
Personal awards:
1997 National Best Science and Technology Worker
1998 Expert who enjoys special subsidy from the State Council
1999 Excellent Mid-young aged Expert of the Ministry of Personnel
1999 Candidate of “National Hundred, Thousand & Ten Thousand Reserves Project”
2000 National Design Master
2003 French Culture & Art Cavalier Medal
2007 Liang Sicheng Award
2007 ARCASIA 2007 Gold Award
Part-time Jobs:
Vice President, Architectural Society of China
Vice Director, National Architects’ Registration Committee
Co-Director of UIA Competitions Commission
Member, National College Education Architecture Professional Tuition Committee
Deputy Board Member, UIA (International Union of Architects)
Co-Director, UIA International Competition Committee
Member, HKIA (the Hong Kong Institute of Architects)
Adviser, Beijing Metropolitan Government
Adviser, Changshu Municipal Government
Consultant Architect, Beijing Financial Street
Part-time Professor, Tianjin University
Part-time Professor, Nanjing University
Part-time Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University
Member, Several Professional Magazine Editorial Committees
Consultant, several social media
Major Works:
In charge—engaged in the whole process from schematic design to construction design and construction management
Creator — engaged in the schematic design
Director — director for the whole project
1982 Home of Architects, Creator
1st Prize of the 1st National College Students Design Competition
1987-1991 Er Pang Gong Hyatt Hotel, Xi’an, Shanxi Province, Creator
2nd Prize of the Best Design of the Ministry of Construction
1989-1992 Ming Hua Center in Shekou, Shenzhen, Creator
1st Prize for the Best Design of the Shenzhen City
3rd Prize for the Best Design of the Ministry of Construction
1991-1994 Beijing Feng Ze Yuan Hotel, Beijing, In charge
2nd Prize for the Best Design of the Ministry of Construction
Copper Medal of the 7th National Best Project Design
Excellent Design Award of the 2nd National "Architect Cup" of the Young & Mid Aged Architects
1995-1997 Office Building of Beijing Foreign Study & Research Press, Beijing,
In charge
Copper Medal of the 9th National Best Project Design
2nd Prize of the Best Design of the Ministry of Construction
The 3rd Excellent Design Award of Architectural Society of China
Beijing “Ten Great Architectures of 1990’s”
1995-1997 CITIC Financial Building, Shangdong Province, In charge
3rd Prize of the Best Design 2000 of the Ministry of Construction
1996-2000“Morden Town” Apartment Tower, Beijing, In charge
3rd Prize of the Best Design 2001 of the Ministry of Construction
2nd Prize of the Best Design Projects of Beijing
1998-1999 Phase II of Beijing Foreign Study & Research Press (Renovation of the Publishing House), Beijing, In charge
1999-2001 Tianyi Homes Residential Community, Ningbo. Zhejiang Province, In charge
2000-2001 Yifu Building in Beijing Foreign Study University, Beijing, In charge
2nd Prize of the Best Design 2003 of the Ministry of Construction
Silver Medal of the11th National Best Project Design
2000-2002 No. 3 Villa at Water Fortress of the Great Wall, Beijing, In charge
Architecture and Art Award of Venice Biennale
Collected by Centre Pompidou
2000-2002 ScienTech Innovation Center of Tsinghua University, Beijing, In charge
2nd Prize of the Best Design 2003 of the Ministry of Construction
1st Prize of the 11th Best Design Projects of Beijing
Copper Medal of the 11th National Best Project Design
2000-2003 Focus Building, Beijing, In charge
The 3rd Excellent Design Award of Architectural Society of China
2nd Prize of the Best Design 2003 of the Ministry of Construction
3rd Prize of the first National Green Building Innovation Award
Silver Medal of the 11th National Best Project Design
1st Prize of the 11th Best Design Projects of Beijing
2000-2003 Kangbao Garden, Beijing, In charge
3rd Prize of the 12th Best Design Projects in Beijing
2001-2002 Office Building of the China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing, In charge
1st Prize of the 11th Best Design Projects of Beijing
3rd Prize of the Best Design 2003 of the Ministry of Construction
The 3rd Great Design Award of Architectural Society of China
2001-2004 International Conference Center of the Beijing Foreign Study & Research Press, Beijing, In charge
The 3rd Great Design Award of Architectural Society of China
1st Prize of the 13th Best Design Projects in Beijing
2001-2004 Fujian Longyan College, Longyan, Fujian Province, In charge
2001-2005 Capital Museum, Beijing, In charge
1st Prize of the 13th Best Design Projects in Beijing
2002-2003 Chengdu Oriental Pearl Garden, Chengdu, Director
2nd Prize of the Best Design 2003 of the Ministry of Construction
2nd Prize of the 11th Best Design Projects of Beijing
Silver Medal of the 11th National Best Project Design
2002-2003 Beijing Yachang Press factory in Tianzhu, Beijing, In charge
2nd Prize of the 12th Best Design Projects of Beijing
Silver Medal of the 11th National Best Project Design
The 4th Great Design Award of Architectural Society of China
2002-2004 Songshan Lake Commercial Office Place, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, In charge
2002-2004 Ziwei Resort Village, Xi’an, Sha’anxi Province, In charge
Copper Medal of the 2rdWeihai Habitat Design
2002-2004 Lanbao Garden, Beijing, Creator
2nd Prize of the 12th Best Design Projects of Beijing
2002-2004 Renovation of the Office Building of CAAC, Beijing, In charge
2nd Prize of the 12th Best Design Projects of Beijing
2002-2004 Life Science College of the Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, In charge
2002-2004 No.8th,9th Office Building of Dalian Software Park, Dalian, Liaoning Province, In charge
3rd Prize of the 12th Best Design Projects of Beijing
The 4th Great Design Award of Architectural Society of China
2002-2004 Huarong Building, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Creator
2002-2004 Tangshan Exhibition & Conference Center, Tangshan, Hebei Province, Creator
2002-2005 Anhui Publishing Building, Hefei, Anhui Province, Creator
2002-2005 Desheng Uptown Business Area, Beijing, In charge
Excellent Award of the 10th Architectural Design Exhibition of Beijing
The 4th Great Design Award of Architectural Society of China
2nd Prize of the 13th Best Design Projects in Beijing
2003-2005 No. 10th, 11th Office Building of Dalian Software Park, Daliang, Liaoning Province, In charge
2nd Prize of the 13th Best Design Projects in Beijing
2003-2004 Zhuzhou Sports Centre, Hunan Province, Creator
2003-2004 Beijing guodian building, Beijing, Creator
Excellent Award of the 12th Architectural Design Exhibition of Beijing
2003-2005 Qinan Dadiwan Relics Museum, Tianshui, Gansu Province, In charge
2003-2005 Dunhuang City Museum, Dunhuang, Gansu Province, In charge
2003-2005 Beijing Digital Information Press, Beijing, In charge
Excellent Award of the 10th Architectural Design Exhibition of Beijing
10 Best Design Award of the 10th Architectural Design Exhibition of Beijing
2004-2005 Nanjing International Architecture Art Practice Exhibition, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, In charge
Excellent Award of the 3rd Weihai International Architectural Design Competition
2004-2005 Liaoning Wunushan Relics Museum, Huanren, Liaoning Province, In charge
2004-2005“Jin Fortress at Sun Set” Museum, Beijng, In charge
2004-2005 Haiyin Museum, Beijing, In charge
2004-2005 Shandong Polytechnic University, Zibo, Shandong Province, Creator
2004-2005 Ningbo Yinzhou Newspaper Building, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Creator
2004-2005 Zhoushan Lujiazhi Cuisine Plaza, Zhejiang Province, Creator
2004-2006 Lasa Railway Station, Lasa, Tibetan Autonomous Region, In charge
1st Prize of the 13th Best Design Projects in Beijing
2004-2006 Chinese Embassy in South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, In charge
2004-2006 Chinese Consulate in South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, In charge
2004-2006 Dezhou Administrative Center, Dezhou, Shandong Province, In charge
2004-2006 Ningbo International Office Building, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, In charge
2004-2007 Shandong Broadcasting & TV Building, Jinan, Shangdong Province, In charge
2005-2006 Han Meilin Gallery, Tongzhou, Beijing, In charge
2005-2006 Library for Tianjin, Tianjin, In charge
2005-2006 Xichang Culture and Art Centre, Liangshan, Xichang, In charge
Gold Medal of 2006 National Habitat Architectural Design Competition
2005-2006 Zhejiang University Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang Province, In charge
2005-2006 Tanggu Library, Tanggu, Tianjin, In charge
2005-2006 Haihe New Horizon Project C-1, Tianjin, In charge
2005-2006 Dagukou Fortress Museum, Tianjin, Creator
2005-2007 Stadium for Beijing Foreign Study University, Beijing, In charge
2005-2007 Library for Renmin University of China, Beijing, In charge
2005-2007 Hongshan Relic Museum, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, In charge
2005-2008 Nanjing Art College, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, In charge
2005-2008 Tianjin Boxue College, Tianjin, In charge
2006-2007 Zhao Palace Relic Museum, Handan, Hebei Province, In charge
2006-2007 Houcheng Primary School, Hebei Province, In charge
2006-2007 Shanhaixing Club, Rizhao, Shandong Province, In charge
2005-2008 Nanjing Art College, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, In charge
2006-2008 Guquan Conference Centre, Beijing, In charge
2007-2007 Xishan Artist Base B, Beijing, In charge
Excellent Award of the 4th Weihai International Architectural Design Competition
2007-2007 Zhujiayu Village Centre, Jinan, Shandong Province, In charge
2007-2007 Eastern Fengsheng Old District Reconstruction, Beijing, In charge
2007-2008 Chongqing B18-1, Chongqing, In charge
2007-2008 Nailun International Trade Centre, Tianjin, In charge
2007-2008 Olympic Information Kiosk, Beijing, In charge
2007-2008 Olympic Broadcasting Tower, Beijing, In charge
2nd Prize of the 14th Best Design Projects in Beijing
Bronze Medal, National Best Project Design 2008
2007-2008 Olympic landscaped sunken garden, Beijing, In charge
The 5th Great Design Award of Architectural Society of China
2007-2008 Suzhou Railway Station, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, In charge
Silver Award of the 4th Weihai International Architectural Design Competition
2007-2008 Women’s Association Building Extension, Beijing, In charge
2007-2008 Ancient Ship Museum, Penglai, Shandong Province, In charge
2007-2008 Sanyanjing Old District Conservation, Beijing, In charge
Excellent Award of the 4th Weihai International Architectural Design Competition
2007-2008 Moon Island, Tianjin, In charge
2007-2008 East 115, Langfang, Hebei Province, In charge
2008-2009 Zhujiajiao Waterfront Hotel, Shanghai, In charge
2008-2009 Dongsheng Sports Centre, Ordos, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, In charge
2008-2009 Dongsheng Arts Centre, Ordos, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, In charge
2008-2009 Dunhuang Tourist Centre, Gansu. In charge.
2008-2009 Kunshan Culture Centre. Jiangsu. In charge.
2008-2009 Jinan People’s Fitness Centre. Shandong. In charge.
2008-2009 Beijing Industrial University Software Park II. Beijing. In charge.
2008-2009 Inner Mongolia Digital Media Center (Phase I). Inner Mongolia. In charge.
2008-2009 Wanzhou Three Gorges Migrants Memorial. Chongqing. In charge.
2008-2009 Ji’an Administration Centre. Jiangxi. In charge.
2008-2009 Taohuayu Tourist Centre. Tai’an. In charge.
2008-2009 Deyang Olympic School. Sichuan. In charge.
2008-2009 Pinggu Culture Exhibition Centre. Beijing. In charge.
2009-2010 Yujiapu CBD Parcel 03-15. Tianjin Binhai. In charge.
2009-2010 Bolonghu Lake Retail Project. Tianjin. In charge.
2009-2010 Gymnasium of Guquan Conference Centre Zone 5. Beijing. In charge.
2009-2010 Datong Museum. Shanxi. In charge.
2009-2010 Culture Centre for Qiang Municipality, Beichuan. Sichuan. In charge.
2009-2010 Library in Xuzhou Architecture School. Jiangsu. In charge.
2009-2010 No.35 High School of Beijing. Beijing. In charge.
2009-2010 Baoding Museum/ Grand Theatre. Hebei. In charge.
2009-2010 New Campus of Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication. Beijing. In charge.
2009-2010 Xi’an City Wall Project. Shan xi. In charge
Researches & Publications:
2005 Urban Study on Tangshan Commercial Central Area
2005-2006 Sustainable Development and Planning for Beijing Foreign Study University
2006-2007 Desheng Uptown
International forum speech
1996.09 Paris, France
1996.10 Osaka, Japan
2001.04 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2004.06 Pusan, Korea
2005.02 Soul, Korea
2005.10 Singapore
2006.01 Colombo, Sri Lanka
2006.03 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2006.03 Hongkong, China
2006.11 Delft, Netherlands
2007.01 Karachi, Pakistan
2007.11 Vienna, Austria
2008.05 Bangkok, Thailand
2008.07 Torino, Italy
International Exhibition:
2004.12 Taibei, Taiwan, China
2008.01 London, U.K.
2008.03 New York, U.S.A.
2008.09 Paris, France