作品:6篇    2013-06-18日加入    发短消息
单位地址:北京市朝阳区朝外大街乙6号朝外soho A座0611

  • 简介:
  • Manuel N. Zornoza / 马努·索诺萨 Founder / Principal Architect 创办人/主持建筑师 马努·索诺萨 ,纬度建筑的创办人,主持设计师。毕业于马德里大学建筑学院,毕业后的他前往伦敦AA建筑学院,并获得城市设计硕士学位。 他于2010年在巴塞罗那创办纬度建筑事务所,之后将关注迅速转移至亚洲。2013年,纬度建筑在中国的第一个事务所在北京创办落成,并开始承接不同尺度的项目,建筑类项代表作如:北京王府井综合体,城市设计类代表作如:郑州白沙新区城市总规划,以及室内设计类代表作如:望京CupOne咖啡厅等。2014年,马努在马德里开设创办纬度第二个工作室,他创办的目是将他在亚洲获得的经验带回西方,并在西方应用。继后,两个事务所相互学习、发展,共同承接设计项目。 实践之余,马努也活跃在大学、设计研究院组织的讲座交流,在他多次的发言中,他曾一贯强调:“务实主义者认为只有有用的事物才是可靠的:世界史客观的载体,任何一个项目都可以被判断、测量,然而,建筑是活在人们的日常生活每一天,我们的生活都是即兴、随意有充满多变的。” “I like to think that we, as a team, deal with our projects in the same way that people deal with their own lives: with pragmatism and huge amount of daily imagination: Pragmatic Creativity!” 马努·索诺萨 西班牙籍 出生日期:1981年7月2日 联系地址:Josep Plà 27, 8-2 08019 Barcelona, Spain . +34 639 484 752—西班牙 +86 1352 1155 594--中国 mnavarro@latitudestudio.eu Manuel is the Founder and Principal Architect of LATITUDE. After graduating from UAX Madrid University School of Architecture, he gained a Master’s Degree in Urbanism from Architectural Association in London. He founded LATITUDE in Barcelona in 2010 and rapidly moved its activity to Asia. In 2013 with a first office in Beijing, the company started producing projects on three different scales simultaneously: Architecture with projects as Wangfujing Mixed-use Center, Urban and Interior design as Baisha River City and CupOneCaf�. In 2014, a second office was opened back in Madrid with the idea of bringing home the enormous amount of daily creativity learnt in the East. Since then, the two offices are improving one another with the experience that each new project brings. Manuel regularly lectures at various universities and international institutions, where he shares his vision of how architecture can evolve and engage again with the real world: “Pragmatism believes that only what it works it is reliable: the real world is objective, you can measure the quality and success of a project. However, on the other hand, Architecture is always there in our daily life, and our life has a component of improvisation, randomness andcontinuous change.”